Patrick J. Mogan Award Nominations

The Patrick J. Mogan Learning City Award is presented annually to an individual, group, or organization that best embodies and promotes Patrick J. Mogan’s values and beliefs about education.  

Dr. Mogan was an educator and visionary who believed the city of Lowell could serve as an active agent for helping people reconnect to their cultural traditions and be a model for other communities around the nation. He was a leader in the successful effort to create the Lowell National Historical Park. He believed deeply that human development could only be built on the experiences of living in a community – a classroom without walls. He wrote that an “educative city” could only evolve where “various elements of the city could serve as educational resources and experiences for preschoolers and elderly alike.” His ideas and work are embedded in the ideas and perspectives that drive the Learning City.

The Award will be presented during the 2024 Lowell Learning Festival on Monday, October 21st, 2024.

To nominate an individual or organization for the 2024 award, please consider the following criteria.

The individual or group must:

·       Have presented or organized learning activities that serve the Lowell community

·       Have a long-standing commitment to learning and innovative education

·     Reflect a commitment to diversity and inclusion in their work

·       Have engaged in innovative activities congruent with the ideas propounded by Patrick J. Mogan  

Information to Submit for the 2024 Patrick J. Mogan Award

Nominations, with the information below, must be submitted by email to Lowell City of Learning by August 20, 2024, at You may submit more than one nomination.  

–Name of Nominee (Individual or organization)  

–Name of Nominator (and affiliation if any)  

–Brief description of why the nominator believes this nominee should be considered (no more than 250 words)  

Thank you!   

Lowell City of Learning operates under the fiscal sponsorship of the Greater Lowell Community Foundation. This event is made possible thanks, in part, to support from the Greater Lowell Community Foundation.