French and Bridge Streets

Commemorative at the Commemorative: A Remembrance of Roger Brunelle

2021 Lowell City of Learning Festival

Landscapes of Memory: Celebrating the Merrimack River and the River Lee An ocean separated the River Lee in Ireland from the Merrimack River in the northeastern United States. But the rivers take on a similar shape as they make their way to the sea. This webinar, a Cork/Lowell Learning City event, explored these rivers through […]

2021 Lowell City of Learning Festival

Contradictory Place: Cotton Mills Alongside Anti-Slavery Efforts in Lowell UMass Lowell Professor Robert Forrant and Maritza Grooms This 40-minute documentary discusses the extraordinary anti-slavery efforts that took place in mid-nineteenth century Lowell. Streaming at:

2021 Lowell City of Learning Festival

Cooking with Sitto Yvette Yvette Ansara was born in a village in Lebanon. When she married her husband Andrew, she immigrated to Lowell and brought with her the art of cooking amazing Lebanese food. All her life, she cooked for family, friends, and for her church. After an illness in 2015, her children decided to […]